Persuasive Gaming in Context

Persuasive Gaming in Context explores the rapid developments in new communication technologies have facilitated the popularization of digital games, and how this has translated into the growth of the gaming industry. Within this volume, the expansion of games beyond a form of entertainment and into a tool is explored through focusing on what game theorist Ian Bogost has called ‘persuasive games’, as well as how these sorts of games aid in the dissemination of information while continuing to engage players in particular attitudes and behaviors.

Within this volume, various scholars explore and reflect on persuasive gaming, and the process of these particular games being played by players. The purpose is to better understand when and how digital games can be used for persuasion by further exploring persuasive games and some other kinds of persuasive playful interaction as well. The book critically integrates what has been accomplished in separate research traditions to offer a multidisciplinary approach to understanding persuasive gaming that is closely linked to developments in the industry by including the exploration of relevant case studies.

This volume edited by Teresa de la Hera, Jeroen Jansz, Joost Raessens, and Ben Schouten was published by Amsterdam University Press in 2021, and is available in both print and open access HERE.

Table of Contents

  1. “Persuasive Gaming: From Theory-Based Design to Validation and Back. An Introduction” Teresa de la Hera, Jeroen Jansz, Ruud Jacobs, Ben Schouten, Joost Raessens & Martijn Kors
  2. “Persuasive Games, A Decade Later” Ian Bogost
  3. “Playing an Automated World” Miguel Sicart
  4. “Looking Beyond Persuasion Through Rule-Based Representations in Digital Games: Designing Games to Shape, Reinforce, or Change Attitudes” Teresa de la Hera & Joost Raessens
  5. “Creating Stealth Game Interventions for Attitude and Behavior Change: An ‘Embedded Design’ Model Geoff Kaufman, Mary Flanagan & Max Seidman
  6. “A Breathtaking Journey . Appealing to Empathy in a Persuasive
    Mixed-Reality Game” Martijn Kors, Gabriele Ferri, Erik D. van der Spek, Cas Ketel, & Ben Schouten
  7. “Macro, Micro, and Meta-Persuasive Play to Change Society” Lindsay D. Grace
  8. “VilDu?! A Game for Sexually Abused Children: How Openness
    Facilitated a Clear Design Direction” Menno Deen & Eline Muijres
  9. “Designing for Persuasion through Embodied Experiences in
    Virtual Reality” Sun Joo Ahn
  10. “The Present of Persuasion: Escalating Research into Persuasive
    Game Effects” Ruud Jacobs & Jeroen Jansz
  11. “Designing for Transfer” Mette Wichmand
  12. “Striving ‘Against All Odds’ to Reduce Prejudice toward Immigrants and Refugees” Chad Michael Wertley & Jordan Soliz
  13. “Mitigating Bias and Improving Professional Decision-Making
    through Persuasive Training Games” Yu-Hao Lee, Norah E. Dunbar, Claude H. Miller, Elena Bessarabova, Matthew Jensen, Scott Wilson, Javier Elizondo, Judee Burgoon, & Joseph Valacich

ISBN: 9789048543939