In the media: “The game industry emits as much as the whole of The Netherlands”

In the newest issue of KIJK magazine, UU media researcher Joost Raessens was interviewed on his work in the area of games and sustainability.

Editorial Team
06-03-2025 // In the media, Interview // Games and Sustainability

Shape2Gether: Experiencing the Malta summer school

Hello again! We are five student from Utrecht University who for the past few months have been participating in the Erasmus+ Project Shape2Gether, an initiative to teach students how to communicate complex information relating to climate change using new media technologies. This piece is a retrospective of the second ‘summer school’ on the islands of Malta.

29-11-2024 // Events // Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment

Game Research @Dutch DiGRA 2024 Symposium

On November 21, game scholars from all over The Netherlands and well beyond gathered at Erasmus University for the Dutch DiGRA 2024 Symposium. Many researchers from Utrecht presented their projects.

Editorial Team
22-11-2024 // Events // Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment, Play Research

Ecogame Playtesting Series 2024/25

In September 2024, the Network for Environmental Humanities (NEH) and the Utrecht Game Lab are launching a new series of events playtesting and discussing ‘ecogames’: or games that engage with the environment and with the climate crisis.

Editorial Team
23-08-2024 // Events // Games and Sustainability

CFP: Dutch DiGRA 2024 Symposium

Our colleagues at Erasmus University are hosting a Symposium for the Dutch chapter of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA). The full CFP should prove interesting for all game researchers at UU.

Editorial Team
21-08-2024 // Events // Criticism and Analysis, Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment, Multi theme

Shape2Gether: Experiencing the Trondheim Summer School

In May of 2024 five UU students went for a week to Trondheim, Norway, to participate in the first of three summer schools as part of the Erasmus+ project Shape2Gether. This is their report of the summer school.

Aengus Schutte, Aria Mohsenimotlagh, Inge van Noort, Isabel Rump, Mick Raamsteeboers
22-07-2024 // Education, Events // Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment

“Change makers don’t understand games; game makers don’t understand change”

Read the Anticiplay blog post written by Joost Vervoort about why policy makers, activists and game developers should "enter each other's worlds".

Editorial Team
06-06-2024 // Insights, Longread // Games and Sustainability

Two Assistant Professors in Screen Media

The department of Media and Culture Studies has published two job openings for Assistant Professors which might be interesting for those engaged in research fields related to games and play: Screen Media.

Editorial Team
06-05-2024 // Jobs // Extended Realities (AR/VR/XR), Games and Sustainability

Franchise Hacking – Magic: the Gathering

'Franchise hacking’ within Magic: The Gathering (MtG) means to creatively alter game elements to embed urgent real-world ecological narratives into the game’s design.

drs. Timo Fluitsma
19-04-2024 // Insights // Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment, Social Games and Play
Seeds of Resistance

STRATEGIES: Sustainable Transition for Europe’s Game Industries

Learn everything you need to know about STRATEGIES , the recently started research project, spearheaded by Utrecht University.

Editorial Team
14-04-2024 // Insights // Games and Sustainability