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Perceptions on an Identity of UU Game Research – Part 3
Through discussing themes of Dutchness, Applied versus Theoretical, and Digital versus Analogue, we get an image of whether or not there is such a thing as a Dutch game research identity, as well as an insight into how the field might continue to grow, change, and adapt in the future. These themes together each form components of understanding the ways in which game research is engaged with academically in the Netherlands. In the interviews these thematic commonalities emerged, and highlighting both the similarities and differences offers an insight into the ways in which the research identity has been self-constructed at the UU. (Article 3 of 3)

What is (Dutch) Game Research? – Part 2
Discussing the themes and patterns presented by game researchers from a variety of backgrounds at the UU helps offer an insight, offers an insight into possible expressions of the field of game research as a whole. This second part of the series explains the reasoning behind the interviews conducted.

Game Research @CHI PLAY 2024!
The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY) was recently held in Tampere, Finland. Our researchers were strongly involved in the organization (serving as papers chair, student volunteer chair, and workshop organizers) and presented a variety of contributions.

What is (Dutch) Game Research? – Part 1
Is there a specific Dutch identity to the game research conducted in the Netherland? Or at the UU? Part 1 of a series of articles exploring this key question.

CFP: Dutch DiGRA 2024 Symposium
Our colleagues at Erasmus University are hosting a Symposium for the Dutch chapter of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA). The full CFP should prove interesting for all game researchers at UU.

Playing the Hidden Curriculum
Playing the Hidden Curriculum: Exposing, materializing and questioning the unwritten rules of higher education is a research project that aims to adress the unwritten social and cultural rules in education, so that the UU will foster its education in a more social and inclusive way.

New Game Research website launched – Call for Participation
The new website of the Center for Game Research has launched, the new platform for game researchers at at Utrecht University. All are invited to contribute.

Summer School on Game Design and Development
Utrecht University's Summer School on Game Design and Development is approaching maximum capacity of 30 students.

Week of the Game @ Utrecht University
Here is the full up to date programme overview for Utrecht University's Week of the Game 2024.

Fostering an open mind and open attitude in higher education using games and art-based educational activities
With the use of art and media tools such as dialogical art, game play, and game development, this project aims to foster a space wherein it is possible to discuss complex topics, and for students with diverging opinions to be able to civilly discuss while learning from one another and developing a greater understanding of those whose opinions may differ from their own.