Research Groups

Green Media Studies

Green Media Studies seeks to contribute to the understanding of the interconnectedness of media representations, media use, media impact, and media technologies in regards to addressing the climate crisis and imagining sustainable futures. For more info, see the project site here.


Ludomusicology an inter-university research organization dedicated to the study of game music. For more info, see here.

Utrecht Game Lab

With the Utrecht Game Lab, we understand game-making as a form of rhetoric, of participating in public discourse through the ‘language of games’, and co-designing existing games and game franchises as a form of ‘response’ to the ideas and ideologies put forth in commercial games, official expansions or grassroots modifications ('mods'). To continue to the website, click 'here'. To sign up for the mailing list and receive email updates, click 'here'. To access the UGL Etherpad with more information about the next meeting, click 'here'.