Shape2Gether: Experiencing the Malta summer school

Hello again! We are five student from Utrecht University who for the past few months have been participating in the Erasmus+ Project Shape2Gether, an initiative to teach students how to communicate complex information relating to climate change using new media technologies. This piece is a retrospective of the second ‘summer school’ on the islands of Malta.

29-11-2024 // Events // Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment

Shape2Gether: Experiencing the Trondheim Summer School

In May of 2024 five UU students went for a week to Trondheim, Norway, to participate in the first of three summer schools as part of the Erasmus+ project Shape2Gether. This is their report of the summer school.

Aengus Schutte, Aria Mohsenimotlagh, Inge van Noort, Isabel Rump, Mick Raamsteeboers
22-07-2024 // Education, Events // Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment

“Change makers don’t understand games; game makers don’t understand change”

Read the Anticiplay blog post written by Joost Vervoort about why policy makers, activists and game developers should "enter each other's worlds".

Editorial Team
06-06-2024 // Insights, Longread // Games and Sustainability

All Rise — an inappropriately joyous game about fighting for the planet

"We’re clashing Phoenix Wright, Disco Elysium and narrative deck building with the ecological crisis — to help fund real court cases."

Editorial Team
10-02-2024 // Insights, News // Games and Sustainability

Spationomy 2.0

The Spationomy 2.0 project was started in October of 2019, and concluded with a final conference held in November of 2022. The project was funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

Editorial Team
22-11-2022 // Events, Insights // Criticism and Analysis, Games Beyond Entertainment, Social Games and Play

Game Research Magazine

In 2017, a special issue titled Game Research – Games that Change your Mind was published about the research projects of the Utrecht Center for Game Research.

Editorial Team
17-10-2017 // Publications // Criticism and Analysis, Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment, Games for Health