The Spationomy 2.0 project was started in October of 2019, and concluded with a final conference held in November of 2022. The project was funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The focus of the Spationomy 2.0 project was to facilitate the learning process through introducing playful features to both aid in learning, and make the process more enjoyable. Specifically in this process, they explored the role of simulation-based learning, and how it offers the ability to be more playful and experiential in comparison to traditional teaching methods.
Further information on the Spationomy 2.0 Project can be found on their website [HERE]
The project tackled the issue of learning-by-doing by playing a serious and scientifically based simulation game, and aims to innovate the way of teaching about the distinct field of economics, business, geoinformatics and geography, all encompassed by game studies, via modern methods of informal teaching (gamification and playful education) and virtual telecollaborative techniques. This game-based learning transforms traditional means of higher education classes into innovative, creative learning environments in which all participants (teachers and students) will be engaged in solving real-world issues through gaming scenarios.

demonstrating the learning goals of the project
Additionally, the project also aimed to share best practice across disciplinary and national boundaries and encourage the development of deep interdisciplinary cooperation and research sharing among the involved institutions in the field of geoinformatics/geography, economics/business and game studies.