Research Projects

Current Projects


The Vidi research project ANTICIPLAY looks at how the participatory designing of games can help conceive and frame current systems of governance and their sustainability challenges, as well as future governance alternatives, to develop a new ground-breaking methodological approach – game co-design for anticipatory governance. For the project blog, go to

Comenius - Fostering an Open Mind

The Comenius Leadership Fellow grant project "Fostering an open mind and open attitude in higher education using games and art-based educational activities" aims to teach students and teachers how to take different perspectives and engage in open dialogues by using creative educational activities (i.e., games, design process, dialogical art). Furthermore, institutional change for a culture of open dialogue will be stimulated by media and art.

Game Research Summer Schools

Each year Game Research offers a summer school for students worldwide. Through interdisciplinary courses, workshops and lectures, the students get an inspirational introduction to Game Research.


MedievalMe was funded by the Dutch Research Agenda (Nationale Wetenschapsagenda, NWA), and is a collaboration between Utrecht University, KB National Library of the Netherlands and Doyle. MedievalMe is a playful way of encouraging young people to be open to scientific research, by letting them study a mysterious medieval manuscript in an innovative way. By creating a new experience for young people, MedievalMe wants to change their attitude towards science. For more info, see

Playing the Hidden Curriculum

This project develops a toolbox to help unpack, expose, materialize, and (where needed) challenge the hidden curriculum (HC). This exposition and challenging of the HC will foster education that no longer disadvantages students for their lacking familiarity with prevalent university norms and formalizes socialization processes that have thus far remained mostly implicit. The project departs from the innovative proposition that conceptualizing the HC as a game (or playful exercise) invites its players to bring their personal lives into the learning activity and materializes its socio-cultural norms as explicit and negotiable rules.

Shape2Gether - Erasmus+

This Erasmus+ project aims to implement innovative approaches in the education for sustainable development in the context of climate change and its impacts on Europe by bringing together three groups of partner specialisations, i.e. geosciences, new technologies, and serious game design. For more info, see here.


The Shoulder-to-Shoulder project investigates the potential that pinball provides for emotional self-disclosure. Observing that (a) young boys generally have a preference for friendships that are based on shared activities, and that (b) pinball is a safe and shared play environment with a high probability of participants experiencing a sense of social closeness within that environment, a pinball play environment may indeed be particularly successful in increasing self-disclosure for young boys. As such, our main research question is to investigate to what extent pinball experiences can trigger emotional self-disclosure of male children of age 8-11 (RQ1), and of male children of age 12-15 (RQ2).


STRATEGIES — Sustainable Transition for Europe’s Game Industries — is a Horizon Europe funded project that supports Europe’s game industries in realising their potential as drivers of sustainable innovation, contributing to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal and delivering an economy that works for people. For the project site, see here.

Toxic Behaviors in Multiplayer Games

In this project, we are studying toxic behaviour in multiplayer games. For example, we are investigating intervention systems to combat toxicity through in-game interactions and by using physical tools to provide stress relief.


Virtual Reality as Empathy Machine

This NWO project “Virtual Reality as Empathy Machine: Media, Migration and the Humanitarian Predicament” makes an intervention into the field of VR for humanitarian communication by evaluating the potentialities and pitfalls of immersion and empathy through technological innovation. For more, see here.

Completed Projects

Game On!

KIEM GoCI - Digital Literacy Games



Spationomy 2.0 - Erasmus+