In the media: René Glas in NPO Radio 1’s De Nacht van…

Game researcher René Glas was interviewed by presenter Benji Heerschop on Dutch national radio channel NPO Radio 1 to talk about games within our contemporary society. The radio show De Nacht van… (“The Night of”) is a joint programme by several Dutch broadcasters (in this case KRO-NCRV) to allow for longer interviews on specific topics.

Topics discussed were the historical development of the gaming industry including the Dutch one, contemporary revenue models like microtransactions (including the recent fines for Fortnite publisher Epic Games in the Netherlands), the discussion around pros and cons of games for players, and more.

Here’s a description from Glas’ own blog:

Last night, I was the guest in the podcast-length NPO Radio 1 show “De Nacht Van…” (“The Night of…”) talking about games, the industry, its culture and so forth. Thanks to the team for the great intro they made, as well as the engaging talk itself – very enjoyable. A video of the entire thing (in Dutch) can be found here […]. There’s a great little report in there on game history as well. And I was allowed to pick the songs they played in between – so I couldn’t help myself to sneak in Portal’s “Still Alive”.

The full broadcast can be viewed on the radio show’s website here or by clicking on the picture below.