Playable Personas: Using Games and Play to Expand the Repertoire of Learner Personas

This article explores how playing and co-creating games in higher education contexts contributes to expanding learner personas and facilitating a multimodal learning experience. Working from the interdisciplinary perspectives of media/games studies, pedagogy, and linguistic anthropology, Stefan Werning, Deborah Cole, and Andrea Maragliano conceptualize in-class learning as the making and playing of games, reporting on game experiments and playful practices targeted at learning key theoretical concepts in our disciplines.

Editorial Team
16-03-2021 // Insights // Criticism and Analysis, Games Beyond Entertainment

Making data playable: A game co-creation method to promote creative data literacy

This article explores how making data playable, i.e. developing exploratory co-creation techniques that use elements of play and games to interpret small to mid-sized datasets beyond the current focus on visual evidence, can help a) promote creative data literacy in higher education, and b) expand existing definitions of data literacy.

Editorial Team
14-12-2020 // Insights, Publications // Criticism and Analysis, Games Beyond Entertainment

The Playful Citizen. Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture

The Playful Citizen edited volume explores how and through what media we are becoming more playful as citizens and how this manifests itself in our ways of doing, living, and thinking.

Editorial Team
10-01-2019 // Books // Criticism and Analysis, Games Beyond Entertainment
Screenshot from DietCare

DietCare: the value of game elements

What if keeping track of your food and fluids intake feels like playing a game rather than paperwork?

Editorial Team
01-03-2018 // News // Games Beyond Entertainment, Games for Health
Jan Willem Huisman, founder and CEO of IJSfontein

Health games symposium

This symposium brought together experts in the fields of game design and development, psychology, neuroscience, physiotherapy, and data and computer science.

Editorial Team
01-03-2018 // Events // Games Beyond Entertainment, Games for Health
Exercise game to reduce the risk of falling

Exercise game to reduce the risk of falling

To reduce the falling risk, researchers developed a fun and motivating exercise game for the elderly.

Editorial Team
28-02-2018 // Insights // Games Beyond Entertainment
The interactive wall right after being assembled.

Personalised interactive wall for elderly with dementia

People suffering from dementia often feel confused and depressed. Some of them also display wandering behaviour. We build an interactive wall for people suf­fering from dementia.

Editorial Team
28-02-2018 // News // Games Beyond Entertainment
Partners: Utrecht University and Delft University of Technology. Sleepcare is supported by Philips, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and The National Initiative Brain and Cognition

A virtual sleep coach in your pocket

Researchers from Utrecht University, the University of Amsterdam and TU Delft have developed an app that helps users learn to sleep better

Editorial Team
13-02-2018 // Insights // Games Beyond Entertainment
Still from a movie showcasing the Utrecht University crowd simulation plug-in for the Unity game engine.

Crowds deciphered: simulation and control of the masses

We have researched a model for simulating crowds in big infrastructures, at events, and in computer games.

dr. Roland Geraerts
06-02-2018 // Longread // Games Beyond Entertainment

Game Research Magazine

In 2017, a special issue titled Game Research – Games that Change your Mind was published about the research projects of the Utrecht Center for Game Research.

Editorial Team
17-10-2017 // Publications // Criticism and Analysis, Games and Sustainability, Games Beyond Entertainment, Games for Health